Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Proposal and Theoretical Considerations to the IVU

From: Constantine Garelas

GR-66100 Drama/Greece



+30 252 106 8060 (office)

Main addressee: EVU/IVU Authorities


Initial Proposal and Theoretical Considerations

About Organizing and Hosting an All Inviting

JUNE 2014

International EVU Open Convention

“Vegetarianism, the Hidden Connection”

+ Culture & Nature Experience Program


Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace


SUMMARY: According to my understanding, the EVU/IVU Congress/Festival concept may have served our cause in the past but now has to be overhauled. More openness and thus more effectiveness are due. Alongside, some deep rooted perceptions and attitudes of ours should also be revised, in order to achieve this much sighted effectiveness. In this text I present you my relative theoretical considerations, which should be seen as practical applied “behavioural suggestions” and “attitude indications” (also they are not abstract!) along with my practical proposals for a possible EVU convention in my home city. My proposals and my considerations may not always sound as familiar or as -in some points- pleasant. The may proceed beyond some established mental conventions of ours. But they are all well minded and out of my urge to contribute to serving our cause, vegetarianism. Of course, they are themselves subject to criticism and discussion. I am waiting for this response from you. I would be grateful if you would make the effort to read them carefully and deliberate about all of them, before making up your mind. Thank you.

Respected Members of the EVU/IVU Instances

Fellow Friends

I have the honour to address you and subdue to you the following lines which contain my theoretical and practical proposals as not only to organize together with you an international vegetarian event (convention) in my home city Drama, in Greece, next summer, but about the concept of such events in general and furthermore about our general attitude and strategy as vegetarian activists

As you may know, I came to that idea when I was recently, together with many of you, at the International Vegan Festival in Malaga, Spain. The inspiration came to me not only from the fact that to organize something like that in my city, for first time in Greece, would be for us here (and I hope for you the guests also) marvellous, neither alone from the thought that it would promote, to the grade of a brake through, vegetarianism in my country, where it is nowadays almost unknown. Both these things would be tremendous alone. But furthermore, after having participated at 4 different vegetarian “Congresses or Festivals” in the last years, I came to think that many things relative to them in general can be planed and executed in a quite different, more effective, but also more pleasant and interesting for the participants manner. But also that some major swifts in our ideological “placement”, or strategy, are due.

My spontaneous proposal of my relative thoughts in Malaga received a warm and enthusiastic welcome from most of the people present there. That was very encouraging and honouring to me. So I am coming now to present you my following relative deliberations and proposals in written form. They are of course themselves a matter to discussion. They will differ, as said, little of more from what we are used up to day to consider the proper way of events being unfolding or the “proper” attitude. My practical proposals, as to how to evolve an event will be preceded by some theoretical considerations, as to how to behave in it –and in general. Since all practical actions of ours are not just the result of our basic ideas and theoretical perceptions, but they are the materialization of these ideas, whether we are aware of it or not. Or to say it another way, our ideas (the theory) are the software which creates our actions (the practice), the “hardware”. So they are inseparately interconnected.

I would like in this initial point to inform you that, as you may have noticed, I am communicating this proposal of mine except of you, the main addressee, the Members of the proper Instances (Presidency) of the EVU/IVU, also to some selected and credible fellow vegetarians (like Mrs Marti Kheel and Mr Francisco Martin –if they are not already members of the instances- and many other friends I met in Malaga) who have abilities, experience and proved willingness to serve our common cause, Vegetarianism. And who could follow up, I hope, and contribute with useful remarks or suggestions of their own. As you understand, I would wish and hope this particular “follow up” to evolve to an internal, intra-vegetarian interchange of ideas, a wider discussion. That could bring us to possibly better, more effective tactics on approaching the “outer world”, thus spreading our message and serving our great cause, Vegetarianism.


All these days, after the Malaga Festival, I have been thinking for long as to what exactly to propose and especially how to present it to you. The relative themes are so many, so complicated and interconnected. Finally I came to the following presentation, for which I evoke your patience and understanding. And as said, I expect your response and critique!

I start by making a personal evaluation of recent Events (vegetarian Congresses and Festivals) I have participated to. I will point out the improvements I think that are due. (I say again: always with good intend and according to my personal perception). I am not referring to any particular event, and by no means particularly to the just recent event in Malaga, organized by my long-time good friend and very distinguished vegan activist Francisco Martin! On the contrary I would just like to salute him also from this place and send him my heart-felt greetings and thanks for the splendid and tremendous effort he underwent for us by organizing successfully also this festival, which was my personal 2nd event organized by him to participate. (The first was back in 2006, in Malaga also). Nevertheless, as said, I think that although the model of events we have had, like these also in Malaga, has served crucially our cause over the past, now the time has come, I believe, to make some significant alterations.

What did we have usually? More or less any “congress” of “festival” was a gathering of same minded people, coming from around the world. The program was consisting mainly of a plenty of speeches and talks, which usually were spread through the time span of one whole week. It was, I think, the like of a very intensive instructive seminar, of the kind of a “cram course”. It was much less of a dialectic congress. The contents and scientific quality of the talks/speeches were mostly not up to the grade of scientific announcements that are the object of any genuine congress. A substantial discussion of the talks, the speeches, the supposed “announcements”, that usually accompanies them in any regular congress, was substantially absent. The shear number and the multitude of the talks, which in some cases (as in Dresden/Germany and Riccione/Italy) were simultaneously multiple, the number of the many successive, “over-packed” with talks, days, made it entirely impossible for any participant to attend all or most of the talks. One had to choose which to attend and which to omit, since one also was in need of some rest. As a result many speeches were very scarcely attended. The non-vegetarian attendants were also for this and for other reasons (we will come back later to this) almost absent. The cooperation with other organizations was usually confined to some very few animal rights organizations or marginal political parties. A wider audience and so a greater “impact” of the whole event was desirable but missing. What we had was mainly, so to say, an effort to inform the informed and pursue the already persuaded. I think this is a clear case of missed opportunity. We shouldn’t have had this. The best and main “attraction” of such events was the gathering of the same minded people and the resulting acquaintances/friendships. Also the meals of the day constituted an informal but crucial part of the event, since they gave to the participants the time to relax and meet each other. Moreover, the actual accompanying “festive” program was usually confined to some “small impact” artistic presentation late at night in the premises where also the rest of the program was unfold, or to some also easy, one day excursions into some sight seeing places of the region.

I point out: the interaction to local people or culture was very limited. The propagation of the vegetarian/vegan message to people other than vegetarians, i.e. us, the usual attendants, was also almost absent, like any possible interaction or affiliation to the local society and culture. We were almost closed, enveloped, in some kind of a sterilized, micro-community, in an artificial, temporary, vegan micro-world. The event soon or later was coming to its end and we were left almost at the point where we started: in a hostile, alien, anti-vegetarian big world. Maybe it has its allure to live even for some time in such a kind of a “vegetarian bubble”, or “vegetarian aquarium”. But when the bubble bursts, when the aquarium walls are falling apart, i.e. when the event ends, then we feel more left alone, more exposed, more like marine other-than-human animals (fish) outside the water, as before. All in all, even more alienated from the real world than previously. At least this is my personal impression. Consequently, I believe that also for this reason this refuge, or retreat event mentality must be changed

What could we do? Of course, not give up any of our ideas, which we want and we must propagate! We should just, I think, not enter the bubble, the “aquarium”. Or, in case we are in it, to burst it, to break it down! To step aside, and before! We should depart from the “refuge” mentality and organize attractive, open, all-inviting, interesting, dialectic events! And also mix with people! If people do not come to us, let us go to the people! You remember the Turkish proverb: “if the mountain doesn’t go to Hoca, Hoca -the muslim priest- goes to the mountain!”

The “key-word” must be, I suggest, dialogue, discussion. Only by addressing a wider public can we transfer any information, any message about Vegetarianism to non-vegetarians. And this can be best accomplished, I think, by discussion. This discussion can be felt by some persons as a confrontation. But this confrontation must be held to a civilized, diplomatic level. Frontal attack, the actual “confrontation”, can only be harmful. So this will bring us a step further, as to re-evaluate our perceptions as to how to approach non-vegetarians.

And this is just the most difficult point, the central question. The object of endless discussion all over the past years: the APPROPRIATE STRATEGY. I will not decline to say my part now: What we need to apply always is more patience and tolerance. We must be aware of the relativity not only of morals, of ethics, but of logic itself. We must not want to impose our moral code or our logic patterns to others, evenly we shouldn’t judge –and condemn- them by it! We should just try to inform them! And then just let the information “do the job”: to induce the necessary adjustments, towards a more, and hopefully entirely vegetarian diet.

We must also be able to concentrate to our central scope: this is vegetarianism. Not to mix it all too directly with other possible pursuits or perceptions or personal likings or dislikes of ours. How often haven’t we been confronted with phrases like “as a vegetarian you must do –or, worse, you must NOT do- this and that and the other thing”. In that way we just add an unbearable burden to many would-be vegetarians. We just scare people off! We can all very easily come out with any perceivable “must do or must leave” list. But what is the use of this? To create hierarchies between us, as to who is the “most” vegetarian? The “best”, the most “coherent”? The last is another word that plagues us. Who creates these lists of arbitrary criteria? Isn’t it enough or great already if one just reduces more of less substantially the consumption of “meat”, after hearing and becoming aware of our arguments? Isn’t it even more terrific, if he/she sheds entirely the consumption of that “food”, if they become even simple vegetarians? (ovo-lacto I mean). Isn’t it a huge step? But I think the vegetarian movement, with the pretence of veganism, degenerates to a literally… anti-vegetarian! The greatest insult, the greatest sin nowadays among (sophisticated, vegan) vegetarians is just to be (a simple) vegetarian! Is that tolerant?! Is that effective?!

What I propose: not only just let them be (simple) vegetarians. Let them be as they please, i.e. even omnivores! Be open and tolerant to everybody! Force no body! But provide them with information. Then let the information transform them. Or, more precisely, let their own consciousness transform them. This is an internal, esoterical process. Only esoteric can be. Not forced!

So let us be large! Accepting, discrete, supportive!

And patient. Let us see the big picture. How to be acceptable and relevant to the most people possible, to the open society. Let them understand that we do not sing a “future music”. That we are not quixotic, dreamers! Or extremists, or just… “indignated”! That we are part of this society. That we are not outsiders. That we are not, the next logical step, losers! On the contrary, that we may be winners! As we really are! Because we are logical, serious and down to earth. Because we are practical. Because we address effectively real and burning social issues, which happen to be at the same instant of abstract moral but simultaneously of practical texture. Like the environmental, health and social justice asymmetries that are critical in today’s societies. Of course the ethics constituence of vegetarianism, as to how to behave not only in respect to other-than-human animals, but to nature (the environment) and to society in general, might seem abstract, but it is in fact very relevant, very political, in the broader and deeper meaning of that word. Remains to us to show, to indicate and to prove this unknown constituency. To show the hidden connection! But not go into attack!

Just let us be patient & respectful, as difficult as this can be!

And, let us not lose much time and energy in internal fights as to find out who is the “good”, the “better”, the “coherent” vegetarian. And who is the “bad”. I have some objections about the contents of the documentary “Meat the trough” that was projected during the festival in Malaga. But a point of it was also for me crucial: where it was proclaiming that if all people in the USA would omit eating flesh just on day in the week the benefits would be these -and huge! If they would omit eating it two days, or three, or… seven, the benefits were becoming all the way more substantial. So this could be, I suppose, our new key message: reduce meat consumption! For this and this and this relevant reasons! Not “become vegetarians –and especially vegans- right on, right now –otherwise you are bad”. This moderate approach can be appealing to all and ca not be rejected by no one.

I depart now from this, hopefully finally not all too vane or boring, tribute of mine to the necessary theoretical considerations. And I come to some more practical issues, like the evolutions of a vegetarian event. But fist again… theoretically! (Later at last I will present you my concrete and precise proposals for the would-be Drama-Convention)

First some remarks about the main content of any informative event, the speeches. I suggest that they should be much more concise and concentrated. Thus a much wider audience could manage to take the decision and come and attend them. The contents of the oral presentations should be more orientated and tailored to the informative –and dialectic- needs of exactly this wider audience. I think also that the mostly authoritative, attractive speakers, like renowned writers or scholars, should be proposed and given priority to hold lectures. That would also act like an allure to a wider audience. I have in mind, to be understood, personalities like Marti Kheel, Tom Regan, Peter Singer, Luciana Baroni and, why not, the young vegetarian star novelist Jonathan Safran Foer. Also Mr. Luis Vallejo could act like a quest star with his physical appearance and his novel “The Don Quixote of the (other-than-human) Animals”. A presentation and discussion of their books could be also a significant part of the event. I have personally read the books of the personalities I have just named and I have had the pleasure and honour to have met some of them in person in previous vegetarian events. Of course there are a plenty of other possible similar “star-speakers”, I am waiting for your suggestions. And of your contribution to persuade them to participate. If we could also manage to invite some famous and known vegetarians, even if not scholars, like, say, Sir Elton John, or similarly renown vegetarian personalities, like –former- athletes of the magnitude of a Carl Luis or an Edwin Moses, to attend for even one or hopefully more days, who would doubt that this would act like a supernatural magnet for a wider audience? Also, of outmost importance also in our days, as to widespread our messages, they would help us to make head-lines and provoke reports in national and maybe international press! Couldn’t we, and our highest representatives, you, the IVU/EVU bodies, mobilize such personalities? At least, I think, we should try…

As our primer scope should be to provide information to a possibly wider audience, the mobilization -to a much wider degree- of similar or affiliated to us organizations to participate in our event should be a primary pursuit of ours. These may include animalist, environmentalist, hygienist, feminist or other civil rights NGOs. How could we attract them to participate? Just by serving their own primer need, to present their own agenda in our event. By inviting them to present their activities and discuss them with us Then they would, unconsciously, automatically, combine elements of their “philosophy” with that of our own. They would distinguish the now hidden connection. We shouldn’t explicitly pre-require this for them in order to participate. This “combination” could come out as a result of the event, of the discussions! I believe that! And the mobilization of any interested organization would be automatically an augmentation of the participant’s number.

But to achieve this we need, as said, more openness. And more tolerance. A major swift is –I believe- due to our general exposure to the outer world. We must, I say again, burst any logical or physical bubble we may willingly or inadvertently have entered in and try to step forward to the open society. We must become mainstream and not remain any marginal -by definition- protest grouping –IF we were something like that… We will by no means concede any of our believes! We just need to alter the way we propagate them. To be effective in it, I repeat over and over again, we much act very cautiously. We have to be very diplomatic as to not offend the “others” that might not share with us to the time being many or most of our believes, our moral code

We have committed to a very strong idea. More than an idea, vegetarianism is an ideal. And still with a very strong logical foundation and development. Despite this, there are so many obstacles and objections that prevent the majority of people to understand and accept its message. These co-involve long lived perceptions, ideas and practices, of some thousands of year’s history, such as the habit, and “culture”, of eating flesh, “meat”. To challenge effectively this so enrooted flesh-eating culture we must create a new very sophisticated strategy. By just going out and shouting how terrible and catastrophic this habit of flesh-eating is we do not achieve much, how much right we may be! We just get rejected. A good start could be to depart first from the common “I will show you” mentality. I think just this “I know everything, I will show you everything” mentality is a major factor that prevents us of being effective. I think we should apply a more indirect way or persuading.

And this way could be, however banal and trivial may it sound, discussion! Exchange of information, of ideas! If we are capable enough, with time we will bring our arguments into consideration in some stage of the public discussion. Our ideas –and ideals- will not remain irrelevant or marginal. We must by any means absent from engaging into any frontal attack to others, which do not share our specific (to dietetics) moral code or are not up to our level of comprehension or information of the relevant issues.

I just named and other key word: information. Our struggle should be directed, I think, mainly into that direction: to offer well founded, efficiently presented information. The ways to achieve that are many. One is the special scheme that occupies us now, that of the Vegetarian Events: Congresses, Conventions, Festivals, Activities, Parades and Manifestations, articles and interventions in electronic and traditional media and any other possible.

The other and last for today key word has also already been named. I say it once more: tolerance. Our situation is very peculiar and difficult. We must act very cautiously, if we really want to be effective. We talk to people who happen to have some, reciprocally, entirely opposite believes to us. A good approach to help us could be to accept primarily the relativity of any moral code. This would prevent us from condemning them in our conscience, thing that would make more difficult any communication with them. The morals, or ethics issue, is another huge topic of course. We can feel now a little in despair on having to deal with such huge, almost untouchable issues. Here the intervention of vegetarian scholar-philosophers could be way indicating, also crucial. But we also, the “simple mortals” should inform ourselves and dare to engage into this discussion, by knowing though what an almost “mission impossible” this is…

Thus I continue on this engagement and I say that I think that by having in mind that a people’s moral code, the ethics, is something very complicated and subtle, we have to be respectful. I know how difficult this can be: how could we be respectful to a hunter, or a fisherman, of a “simple” flesh-eater? But nevertheless we should be. Otherwise we are just loosing him or her, and just right on from the beginning. As said, we can change no-body! Only the others can change themselves. What we can only do, is to help them do it, by respectfully giving them information. This could be most effectively accomplished if we would apply the Socratic –interrogative- method, that of discussion, of questions and answers. Then finally one could see for him/herself and recognize –hopefully- the needed “adjustments’: in our case, towards a more –for the beginning- plant-based diet. But if our primer intention is to superimpose almost by force our moral code to these people, and even worse to show them our moral or whatever else supremacy, then it is just… game over! We have just lost them. Only by the strength of our arguments we have any chance of success. These arguments must be comprehended well by our “interlocutors”, conversational partners. It depends from us to help them become informed. And sensitive.

We must also, and I think this is crucial, shed the “I know –and show- everything about everything” syndrome, that plagues many of us. Every one of us is of course very convinced of the righteousness of our cause. And by the same time we all have to live our life in a very hostile to this cause environment. The “solutions” we have founded can be many and different. They may be perfect for us, but we still must not want to superimpose them to the others. For more, these personal “solutions” may have led many of us to some kind of hardening, radicalization. To the creation of a personal micro-world made out of ideas and perceptions as to defend ourselves form this exactly hostile environment. This is something natural and happens to all of humans to a bigger or lesser extend. But, nevertheless, to the extend that this exactly procedure, of self-defense, is alienating us from the external, big world, which we want finally to influence, and thus alternate, it becomes more that self-explanatory that this hardening, this self-alienation is not only counterproductive, but an enemy to our cause! So we must stay as close, or as “in” to the world as possible!

And we have to be able to concentrate to our main scope: the propagation of a possibly most vegetarian diet. We must abstain from mixing this very core pursue of us with other secondary and even more counter productive likes or aspirations of ours. Because what else as counter productive could be suggestions of how to dress, or of what political party to vote for, or what ever else activities one has to engage in his/her life as a “coherent” vegetarian?

I would like to come again to the term “vegetarian”. I have written it already, this term became almost a prohibited or quasi criminal word to purist vegans, i.e. the most of us. This should be better changed. It frustrates many of us (me included) who come often to events to find some acceptance, some friendly feelings, and the feeling that is prominent to us is an internal fierce antagonism as to who will be the “most” or “best” vegan! Can’t we understand that by evoking such an antagonism we just not only manage to alienate ourselves in between us, but also the “outer” world from our greater scope, vegetarianism?

But to the “outer world” also it is much better understandable and known this word, vegetarian. And sounds also much less extremist or alternative. Both very counterproductive attributes to our aim, to serve our cause, vegetarianism. I know it from my experience, and I suppose you evenly also: it is much easier to make a “usual” citizen, also an omnivore, to hear about –simple- vegetarianism, that about veganism. So let them –cautiously- be informed, and let them decide for themselves! Otherwise, if we make right away the distinctions the “ethical” vegans versus the “primitive”, “bad” vegetarians, we just confuse and scare people off. Vegan also, for “beginners”, has a sound similar to the word “vague”, also empty, imprecise. Maybe you are entirely of the opposite opinion, since you are used for years already to this word and… its sound! But if the opposite word, the “bad”, also vegetarian, is more productive, then why not giving it priority to describe our cause? We can perfectly continue being vegan, or even raw foodist! But why shouting it around, if this is counterproductive?

I will give you one more, simple personal example to understand me better. In vegetarian events I have felt not a few times “guilty” of not doing that and this, but sometimes also kind of “criminal” for another reason: that the products of my company, “Helios dry nuts”, are not of “organic” cultivation. Everybody seemed to take that for granted. No one had the discretion to think or to ask me if such a thing would be for me viable of realizable, given the characteristics of the local market. Now that I am writing about it I have again this feeling of guilt superimposed on me. But, finally, who told that vegetarians “must” buy or merchandize ONLY “organic”? And that whoever is not doing so is “incoherent” or “bad” or… criminal? And what is the use -for promoting vegetarianism- if we come up with such a huge “list of a coherent vegetarian’s must-do”? Other than just not eating flesh, I mean? Can we not have the discretion of leaving people to do as they please, as they can, as they know, in matters that are irrelevant directly to vegetarianism? Why should we guide them through an innumerable variety of “must do”? To try to inform them as to become at least meat-reducers or right away vegetarians isn’t already a huge task? Why make the effort unnecessarily more difficult, also improbable?

By doing so we might “prove” -to ourselves- how “better”, or “clever” we are, but we are then also chasing off most of any potential vegetarians. People just do not want to be told as how to behave and mostly do not want to be morally questioned. If we do exactly that, directly or indirectly, do we really think that we are serving our cause?

So we should apply discretion. And keep focused. Into our primary persecution, which should be the propagation of vegetarianism, as just a diet-option. Let us not mix a variety of other programmatic prerequisites. Just let, and help them, be vegetarians! And then, become by themselves vegans. Whenever they feel to do so. And let them behave otherwise as they please. People are not sheep to be shepherded!

(Now I ask excuse from the purists, but I think that even modern day sheeps -with plural “s”, even if this there exists not in the English grammar!- must somehow be “shepherded”, or stewarded, since they can not live alone now like the “free” [old definition: “wild”] other-than-human animals –they have unfortunately lost this ability over the thousand of years that they are “domesticated”. I.e. they have lived in human relative captivity. End of deviation.)

I say it again and again: any internal “antagonism” should better eclipse, or at least be kept to a minimum. We should accept and let everybody who is even just slightly sympathizing us to “mix” with us in the best end easiest for him or her possible way! It is almost a miracle if someone is interested about vegetarianism. Just do not scare him or her off!

I have to admit though, or just observe, that antagonistic relations are omnipresent in human affairs and relations. And this antagonism is that drives members of societies (I use now this ecofeministic term instead of the masculinist “individual” as a tribute also to my respected friend Mrs. Marti Kheel) and societies in all to progress. But we still should find a way I think to tame this inherent antagonistic spirit of ours. This is more needed in the so subtle case of promoting or propagating vegetarianism.

So we are closing finally into praxis! Our next possible EVU event in Drama next year, must address and resolve many of these problems. As possibly… possible, at least! It should be entirely open to society. As said, inviting and mobilizing not only the national and international vegetarian community, the member of which would be nevertheless the “guests of honour”, but also the local people, the general population of my city (the “attendants”), region and country Greece (the “guests”), or interested citizens from nearby countries like Bulgaria & Turkey (again “guests of honour” –the principal speakers could be named the “distinguished orators”). And, as said, to other relevant organizations (animalist, environmentalist, hygienist etc) that especially in Greece they are not vegetarian at all: There are animalists who love animals and they still… eat them! (I find this crazy –of course I am not telling them!) Likewise we have environmentalist who have got no idea about the environmental catastrophical impact of flesh eating. (This also really dazzles me…) Or health minded people (the “hygienists”) who also do not decline from eating “meat” (parts of killed animals), as much harmful to human health they recognize them of being. They say: “if we get ill we know the remedy”, which is abstaining from flesh, also vegetarianism. Though, they do not practice it, unless they fell ill!!!

All these people must be addressed. I have tried many times already to intervene and inform them all. To show them the facts. But they just wouldn’t hear me! They are just too self-reassured and heavy with their ideas and aspirations –which are usually in the fond political. Their primary pursuits might be often just pretence. Otherwise their de facto anti-ecological, anti-animal, anti-health behaviour is not explicable. That is one reason I couldn’t persuade them –or just bear them…

Nevertheless, a common and big effort, of all of us together, could make the difference. It could show them the hidden connections they are not willing to realize now. And thus help them also to become serious. That is why I give to a possible convention in Greece such a fundamental significance. It could move things on. And change them. Thus Greece, where vegetarianism was first theoretically and philosophically founded and practiced, by philosophers like Pythagoras, could some time turn again, to some significant extent at least, vegetarian But, as I said in the beginning, what would apply in and be effective to my country, one –unfortunately- of the most vegetarian-adverse today in the world, could apply and be way-indicating, to any other country less “difficult” towards vegetarianism!


This is the practice part of my proposal. I remind you that all the following, as the preceding, are just proposals to be discussed and accepted by you. Obviously, you should come in a final agreement with me, the local organizer/facilitator, if we are to organize the event here in Drama. But bear in mind that I am dialectical and open to any possible anti-proposals of yours.

I tell you also that some theory won’t eclipse also from this part. Since many action-proposals should be additionally explicated. And theory is not also practical, as I have written before To be -to someone- respectful is for example a theoretical question. But isn’t it at the same time extremely practical?! So these two things go always hand in hand…


Since the event is self sponsored, i.e. every participant pays for his/her participation, the easiest thing for me, the (self-proposed) local organizer, would be to do it as usual: to book rooms, venues and catering at a local big hotel and organize some excursions. To make some additionally publicity with banners, leaflets announcements and interviews at the local traditional and electronic press, wouldn’t be neither a problem for me. I have done similar things quite some times in the past, in various occasions, I have the relative experience. And then let you be there –alone- unfold your program. But wouldn’t be this like enclosing you again in the “bubble”, in the “aquarium”? Is this what we want? Where would the interaction with local people, society and culture be? So this wouldn’t be the way I would suggest you, even if it would be the easier thing for me also…


If our aspiration would be the maximum possible intervention to the local and national (and international of course) public life and discussion, the diffusion of our message, then the first thing to do and start from could be to… diffuse ourselves! That starts from choosing to stay in different hotels. Then much more people would take notice of us. Also by distributing the, what ever, financial advantage to more people and places, we would win out more, even unconscious, sympathizers. There are many hotels in Drama, and from different quality (and so also price) categories. I could prearrange some special offer (reduced price –from 30 to 50 euro for a 2 bed room a night, this incorporates a price reduction of some 30%) for participants (international & national).

A catalogue with all the hotels of the city (and prefecture) is here:


I suggest the hotels Xenia***, Emporiko**, Mariana**, and Esperia* (by no means the Anesis*) which are situated in the centre of the town. The best and biggest hotel is the Kouros****, but it is, like the also good Tasko** hote, outside the town, 3 and 2 km respectively, so one must have a car or use a (cheap in Greece) taxi. A little more far away are situated the also good hotels Elegant Epavlis***(5 km from city center) Alexandros***(11 km), Achilion****(13 km) and Grand Chalet Granitis****(25km). These hotels and many others also are all full at the time of the International film festival that is organized here every September. (http://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/) and in the Greece-wide renown festival “Oneiroupoli” (=dream city) at Christmas time.


The other hotels are even more far away from the city. Most far away is situated the hotel Elatia***: 70 km to the north, but inside the virgin forest of Elatia. (A day’s excursion will be also proposed into that direction/destination –see later). These later hotels are oriented to visitor/tourists who want to live and see the sightseeing’s of the prefecture, which are not a few and not insignificant. Please go to this page


and then click on the left “sights, natural environment, adventure itineraries” and so on to see them. (Every “title” has subdivisions).

(More general information you can get from the central page of this site:

http://www.drama.gr/indexen.php )

Βut we will return here a little later, in the “experience” section.

I will give you more information, also exact prices of the hotels, in case you are interested and you indicate me approximate number of participants.


I would suggest also to hold our convention, or, if you like, our conversations, in public spaces. Like the main hall of the Drama Municipal Conservatory. A look at it you can get here:


Or in the amphitheatre of the prefecture of Drama:


Some special, even more open, events/talks could be held in the Ayía Varvára open air small theatre, or very close to that, in the Ayía Varvára open grass theatre in order to attract more “followers”. You can see photos about these venues here:


Of course we could organize also some other events, like a parade, a day preceding the start of the conventions maybe, to get more publicity and bring our message to even more people!

The fist named venue would be our first and main option, since it is the most “official” congress venue of the city, accommodates up to 300 persons, and has possibility of intra-lingual interpretation (translation). But we could organize something in the other venues also. These public venues are all much easier accessible, also psychologically, for the general population. Their other advantage is that they will be granted to us to use for free! At least this has happened always when I have organized (and sponsored) cultural events in my city. The other advantage would be the enhanced “authority” of the event, since it will not only be held in public spaces, but also under the auspices of the city governing bodies. That would mobilize the last also much more to participate, since the event would be also “their”. They would then also issue and distribute some thousands of invitations to local citizens and endless local organizations /cultural associations, thing that would be otherwise very tiresome and costly for us to do alone. We will send of course our own focused/special invitations to persons and organizations of “extra” significance and relevance, like the ones I mentions above! But this co involvement of the city would increase the appeal of the event. Of course, in the official invitation letters of them there would be also the city’s and prefecture’s seals, as co-hosts of the events. But would this be a problem? Your seal would be also there prominent to be seen, since you would be the official organisers. (I would be an unofficial –and unknown, at least unwritten- facilitator, co-operator of everybody.)


The name of the event could be something like what I have written in the beginning of this letter of mine. I repeat:

June 2014

International EVU Convention and Open Discussion

“Vegetarianism, the Unknown Denominator”

+ Culture & Nature Experience Program
Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace


Or something of the like

My idea, is to invoke also with the title an immediate impression of openness, discussion, acceptance, relevance/importance and… fun!

I expect your reciprocating ideas!


The time placing, also the dates of the event, the duration of it and also its timely formation (also the time schedule of each day) is something very important. I would like to make you my suggestions, having in mind not only the all the notions I mentioned you above, but also some local “peculiarities”, having to deal with whether conditions but also with local habits or uses. I think we should better orientate to the usual time schedules, or sense, of the locals, if our aim is to attract as many of them to our event. These “local-fashion” schedules could also be better suited to local whether and social life data, so they could be helpful also to you, to our international guests of honour. Any social conventions and habits, as known, are finally the long time applied answers to specific life-questions or problems. So let us be as possibly respectful! Of course, there are many answers to the same question. They are not divine or sacred prerequisites. But nevertheless sometime they have an internal value that is not obvious to visitors at first sight. (This is also a point where patience and understanding is asked…). And at least, if a “game” is played at a certain place by some rules, let us follow the rules of the locals, if they are not unacceptable to us and we want them, the locals, to play with!

I will give you an example with the dinner time. Greeks usually have dinner much later than north Europeans. At about 9 or 10pm. Or some times even later. This may sound unimaginable and unacceptable to some of you now, who might be used to have dinner at 6pm. But just think that the evolution of a days life circle is quite different here than in, say, England. And this has to do with several facts and conditions that are quite different in any country than in any other. For instance, in hot days you can’t have any real midday meal. You just are having some fruit of other light snacks and then you have your main meal of the day at the same time with your dinner at 8 pm! So, if I propose to you, is some later point, some a little “irregular” (late) for you schedule, dinner times included, please do not better all hustle to reject them as unacceptable! Maybe they will be indeed better suited for you also!

[DATES in particular]

The possible dates would be any you would like, at any time of the year. But obviously other year-periods have other characteristics, other “advantages” or “disadvantages”. Winter for instance or spring would be for sure more of a “serious” time frame for any convention. As more in the summer we organize it, the more “touristic” the convention could be. The “proper” summer, starts here, in north Greece, with temperatures up to 30C about the second half of June. In July and August there can be some real hot days with temperatures up to 35 degrees or more. The first half of June is a compromise between summer and normal conditions. I would propose you the dates 15 to 17 or (better I think) 22 to 23 June 2012. But you can choose which ever date you prefer. Only the Weekend 29 to 01 July would not be viable, because on the 1st of July 2012 it will be celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Liberation of Drama city and prefecture from the former Ottoman –Turkish- Empire and of its annexation to the Hellenic Democracy, also to the Greek state. So that day, as every year, is dedicated exclusively to this celebration. It wouldn’t be wise to organize something else on this particular day. In the preceding 2 weeks many cultural events are organized to the commemorance almost every evening, where we could participate as audience in order to see and to be seen. To mix with people and, also by doing this, take some taste of the local culture.

[DURATION in particular]

If our principal aim is to attract as much as possible “outsiders”, also “newcomers” in “our” convention, also if we want to make it “their” also, I think we should keep it as concise as possible. A two day’s (main convention) duration (as most conventions and congresses usually endure) would be the maximum. I know this seems too short for you. Thus maybe we could make a compromise: to name a tow day’s period as the “official” convention, when all “star-speakers” would speak. And have in addition some extra days (I could suggest also, some extra evenings, combined maybe with one-day excursions) for the “hard core” participants! But to have a whole week packed with endless talks, as usual, wouldn’t be appealing but for the usual… “hard-liners”, i.e. for us! But I am not sure if this is indeed appealing even for us…

So I suggest to constraint the main convention to 2 ½ days only.

From a Friday evening festive session, and a Saturday and Sunday main convention days. Thus we would make it much easier for much more people to attend. And we would be constraint to “use” only the best speakers we would have available. Of course we could have invited personalities to attend and participate to the convention, if the duration is so concentrated, the “principal speakers” so appealing –and the side cultural program evenly attractive!

So I propose that a Friday evening opening festive session from 19:00 pm to 22:00 in the Municipal Conservatory main hall, first with greetings from local authorities (Mayor, Prefect etc), then short time talks from participating organizations and then from you, the instances of the EVU and hopefully some talks of some “star-speaker” +discussion, would make the perfect start. After that we could immediately have in the open premises of the Conservatory an open vegetarian (“vegetarian” in name, vegan in constitution, do not wary) buffet, free for all non-vegetarian participants of that opening session. Do not laugh, but this would be an additional allure for them to come… Some “live” music from some ensemble of the conservatory could accompany the buffet. I think that by inviting all the “external” (non vegetarian) participants to the festive buffet also would be a best argument and advertisement for the vegetarian (vegan) degustative cuisine. I suggest our organisation (also we, the vegetarian core-participants) to carry the cost of this buffet, since we are the ones who propose and invite the “infidels” of vegetarianism to that cuisine of ours and finally to some elements of our life view and attitude. That would add to any of us up to 15 to 20 Euros a person participation cost, I suppose, maybe less, depends on how many we will be –I think is viable and worth the expense!

Thus we would finish with the first “official” day


I suggest having these two successive days, Saturday and Sunday, with a full program of talks, presentations and discussions. If I were alone to decide, I would leave out the Sunday as a “combination” day: a small sea or mountain excursion until afternoon, and an open special performance/event in any of the two open theatres in Ayía Varvára, the open air small theatre, or open “grass” theatre. Or we could have at least the evening sessions in these open space theatres. Please think about! It is up to you.


This is, I think, the most crucial part. As said, the most attractive and authoritative speakers will make the difference. I have mentioned you some names already. More you will have to suggest, select and invite. The thematology, also the contents of the presentations, should be proposed by the orators themselves. They should be highly authoritative and qualitative, but primarily directed and adjusted to the information needs of a wider, non-vegetarian audience. A special orator’s comity should take the task to endorse and coordinate the speakers and the speeches in principle.


I think a sessions schedule from 10:00 to 14:00 and then from 17:00 to 21:00 (also 8 hours a day for Saturday and possibly Sunday) will be the most apt to Greek whether & life style conditions. How this time frame will be divided to individual talks -and discussion of the talks- is yet to be seen.


If you wish some extra convention days, I wouldn’t oppose you. But as a compromise, we could hold these days “private” for us. We shouldn’t advertise them as “official”, as not to scare off many potential participants. And not only “ordinary” non-vegetarians: I think many more vegetarians would take the decision to participate, were the “narrative” program of lesser –endless- magnitude.

Another solution could be to combine some “lesser impact” morning excursion with an afternoon (17:00 to 21:00) or even evening (19:00 to 22:00) session. This is also up to you to decide.

And then we come to the apparently not so important “side” program of the “convention” (convention = “come together”), the touristic program: but indeed it is a core-content also!


Preceding and following the Convention an extensive optional day by day excursion and/or leisure nature & culture experience program will be available. All offers are optional. One can decide how many days before the central narrative part to come and to which touristic activities to participate or not. A detailed program will be given after having some initial declaration of interest from the part of the participants, as how many of them would be interested to opt (preliminary book) the various offered activities.

We start from the easiest variations as to the more expeditionary


One can stay in the town, and mainly have some rest. Maybe in the Ayía Varvára park, (see again photos here: or in the central municipal park or in the so many high quality cafeterias, always vibrant with plenty of young (or like young) people of the city.

A visit to the cities archaeological and theological museums or in other city sightseeing is I think self-explanatory.

More about the city you can read here: http://www.drama.gr/indexen.php?do=today

This easiest “day”, along with the “beach days” (see next) could be an alternative to any other excursion/activity day(s), to which one wouldn’t like to participate.


Apart from the every evening cultural events (music, dance, choir, theater, ballet and other) one could attend every night in the city, Greece in mostly renown for its intense night life. Drama forms by no means an exception. On the contrary, every night hundreds, thousands of people, well dressed, are going out in the various cafés and at the big night clubs. From 9 pm or usually –the younger people- form 11 pm or even later until late after midnight or until the… next morning! In the cafés and in the summer night clubs DJs play Greek and “foreign” music. But there are also the “traditional” night clubs which offer “live” Greek music. I am not personally a great fan of neither of these “amusement centers”, of this night-life-style in general. I prefer the more cultural events and more “volume down” places to go. But one or more visits (I will accompany you if you wish) to such “volume up” places I suggest is nevertheless a “must” for you! At least for sociological observations reasons. But do not doubt that most of you will have great time there also. One can have fun with many ways! So in Greece let behave and enjoy like Greeks! (At least the most of them…)


(Also an alternative to other excursion/activity days)

There is also a multitude of splendid beaches close to us, each with its own distinctive character. The closest are 35 to 55 km to the south. By car or taxi (cost: about 35 Euros one way the closest) they are accessible in some 35 to 45 minutes. One can get there by regular intercity bus service (cost 3,60 Euros to Kavala and then another from 1,80 to 2,80 Euros to the selected beach-destination). But this can take up to 1 ½ to 2 hours. Most convenient are the special beach-buses that go directly to some of the beaches, and cost only 8 Euros to go and return. (They depart form Drama at 9:00 and 12:00 and return at 13:00, alternatively at 19:00) But these operate only in July and August.

A video, among others, with some of these beaches, taken by me, in my personal YouTube “channel” is this:

In this video there are to be seen for a little while first Nea Peramos and then the “Ammolofi” coast line of beaches. These last named beaches are probably the best. For sure they are frequented from the youngest and most “interesting” (optically) swimmers –that for whom it may concern!

If there are many participants from the convention interested, over 30 I mean, we could book a bus (or more) also privately for us, this is self-explanatory. Who wouldn’t like to participate to such a day has, in this and in the following expeditions, always the first option “DRAMA LEISURE DAY” available!

Relative to the above is the possible (if there are enough interested participants) one day


Departure in the morning, return on the evening.

Cost about 50 Euros a person (bus and ferryboat fare) + personal food and other expenses. For meal we could of course arrange something vegan and more economical in advance.

About Thassos see:

Similar but more expeditionary would be a possible


A possible cost could be about 120 Euros per person.

Now we have “finished” preliminarily with the sea and we go to the mountains of the region. So we could have some (every one of them would have an admission of some 30 Euros)



And a video of mine:

Of course this time period there will be no snow! But the view is the same, if not more, magnificent!


This is the biggest virgin forest of the Balkans. It is worth a visit for sure…

PARANESTI TOWN AND REGION DAYhttp://wwwparanesti.gr/cms/

Similar destination to the previous, with splendid nature, but still distinctly different. What can I say, you must see to understand! In this place we could walk, who wishes at least, some parts, say a 10 km section, of the 100 km ultra marathon “Paranesti Virgin Forest Trail”. The experience will be unparalleled and unforgettable for sure! Just dare to try! See:

Of course the… traditional (for vegetarians) cave excursion couldn’t miss! There are 2 different, magnificent, with unique characteristics each, caves in no more than 30 km distance each, so I propose also one


See here:
There is in the close vicinity also the Pangaio Mountain. There we could make a

excursion (by bus always). But who would like could walk some of the last kilometers to the top or even climb the last (easy and safe! -do not wary!) 500 meters up to “egg” pick! The view is unimaginable, reaches way long into the Aegean Sea & its islands… On the return we could stop at the picturesque “Wood village” for lunch of coffee. A video of this mountain you can see here:

or here, from the moments 3:46 to 4:46.

(this time there will be no snow, I say again)
In all these mountains but especially in Pangaio there are so many big and interesting monasteries. We could stop by to see some! If not for religious purpose, for history and culture!
Α special day should be given to the nearby ancient city of Philippi and the port city of Kavala. I suggest this excursion as an absolute “must”:

The Philippi ancient town, where Apostle Paul was imprisoned and to the inhabitants of which he wrote the “To Philippisians” epistles, is widely excavated, big and impressive. Here there is also the (big) Ancient Theatre of Philippi, where every summer several ancient Greek or classical (like Shakespeare) authors theatre plays are performed or classical music concerts presented. They start in July and finish in September.
This year’s program is here, unfortunately only in Greek:

Kavala is a picturesque port city, with a nice acropolis. Worthing a visit anyway. See:

Not to forget: I could offer you also an

AVIATION DAY in our Sitagri Airfield
This is our home aviation base. (Cost: 2,40 Euros, the bus fare to and from there, if the interested are many and me and my friends can not take them with our cars). Some photos of such a day, which includes plenty of free flights for everyone who would like to fly, there are here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1958808249467.2119807.1220596198&l=9420f95db0

There are a lot more destinations, also excursion possibilities in the vicinity. (I just can only imagine how angry a tourism official of my city would be now for offering you so few choices). But I want not confuse you more with them. We can now go a little further an offer you some excursions to Thessaloniki, Bulgaria and Turkey:


It is the 1 million inhabitants co-capital of Greece in the north. The city where you most probably will arrive by plane. (see later) It is about 2 hours by bus from Drama. It has many museums and other picturesque places of interest. See more:

BULGARIA DAY in close by Bansko & Gotse Deltsev

Bansko is and international ski center, some 120 km to the north, is a huge international ski center. But even in summer a place worth visiting! See:
The 65 km to the north Gotse Deltsev city, is the first major Bulgarian city we encounter after some passing some villages. If Bansko is too far, Gotse Deltsev is quite close and could be combined with a visit to the noth-west plateau of Nevrokopi. See:
I suggest such a visit explicitly.


A visit to the first -along the way and most west situated- Turkish big city Edirne, (in Greek Adrianoupolis) some 400 km to the east, could be combined with a visit to the other local capital cities of our Region, where also Drama belongs, which is called Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. These cities, in addition to Drama and Kavala, are Xanthi, Komotini and Alexandroupolis. More about the Region:
We could stay at night in Edirne or in Alexandroupolis, where you like.
The cost for the 3 above excursions wouldn’t be prohibitive, for sure! Please inform me if there is interest and forecast number or participants to give you exact cost indications.


I have left yet undiscussed another core-issue of the convention, that of the food. Usually people who come in Drama for congresses, for the international short film festival or of other occasions eat in the local restaurants which are many and good quality. The best would be to do the same. Thus we would be “visible” and “noticeable” to much more people. Our eating habits would be known and relevant to more people. But to reduce the cost of “independent eating” and augment the vegan meal options available in them we could arranged several things.
A varied vegan or raw foodist breakfast we could have all together, -I suggest that- independently of which hotel you stay in, in the central Xenia hotel, everyday from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m.
We could also fix a central and very good and big restaurant (I have one in mind, it is the biggest and most touristic, but still of high quality, and situated in one lake of the Ayia Varvára park, the so called “Nisaki”, also “small island”) to provide us with meals every day in buffet style. You just tell me the number of the participants. A Greek vegan and a raw foodist cook of ours (there are also such in Greece, mostly in Athens), could be sent in from us (but not “free of charge”, as much I know them) to ensure the vegan suitability and versatility of the meals.

Our (Greek or of other nationality, like Mr. Hose Antonio from Malaga/Spain) cooks would teach the basics of vegan cooking to local cooks, but they would together create vegan variants of known and famous Greek plates. So making the eating-part of the convention a more variable and interesting, but also a cultural experience for the participants.

But we could make this “trick” not only in one restaurant but in many! Thus we would have even more interesting and versatile meals. By wide spreading simultaneously the “vegetarian” cuisine as effectively as possible! Just tell me an approximate number of participants and I will fix it. These arrangements are of course much more complicated and expeditious than arranging with just one restaurant. But how else can we propagate our message, if not engaging with more people and in more occasions? If we want our easiness and peace of mind we can just stay idle at home. (I am at home now but I do not want to stay idle!)

How you can get in Drama? The closest big international airport is “Makedonia” airport about 160 km (100 miles) west of Drama:
The easiest way to arrive in Drama once you get there is by taxi. It cost about 120 Euros and takes some 1 ½ hour. Alternatively one can go by taxi (20 Euros, 20 minutes) or city bus to the central intercity bus station. From there depart one bus directly to Drama every full hour. Fare one way: 13 Euros, duration 2 hours.
If you arrive in many in one day, we could arrange a special sent-in bus to collect you.
Another international airport in the vicinity, is that of “Megas Alexandros” of Kavala, some 75 km south-east. It serves not so many international flights like the Makedonia Airport, but you could try your luck and submit it also in your air-ticket research. From there you can get to Drama most easily by taxi, cost about 55 Euros, travel time 55 minutes.


I hope I have given you enough preliminary information and addressed in advance all or most of your possible questions about my proposal to organize with you the next International Vegetarian Convention 2014 in Drama/Greece. For any quest for additional information, comment, critique, suggestion or even dispute, please contact me immediately.

Thank you for your interest & I look forward for your response!

wish you the best and I hope we to realize together all or the most of the written above!

Constantine Garelas
October 29, 2013

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